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BlueZoo Import

BlueZoo Import is a pipeline that imports data from BlueZoo Warehouse to a BuiltAPI.

Pipeline parameters

BlueZoo Settings

BlueZoo Table Name

  • Type: String
  • Description: The name of the table in BlueZoo Warehouse from which data will be imported.
  • How to Obtain: Check BlueZoo Warehouse documentatioon or just checlk our "Default settings table"

BlueZoo Date Column

  • Type: String
  • Description: The name of the column in the BlueZoo table that contains the date of the record. It is used to import only the records that are newer than the last imported record.
  • How to Obtain: Check BlueZoo Warehouse documentatioon or just checlk our Default settings table

BlueZoo Columns as Primary Key

  • Type: String
  • Description: Commaseparated list of columns that will be used as a primary key for the BlueZoo table.
  • How to Obtain: Check BlueZoo Warehouse documentatioon or just checlk our "Default settings table"

Maximum rows allowed per query

  • Type: Number
  • Description: The maximum number of rows that can be fetched in a single query.

Default settings table:

BlueZoo Table NameBlueZoo Date ColumnBlueZoo Columns as Primary KeyTable description
sensor_visitstimestampsensor_id, timestampTable with 15 minute slots with number of devices seen within the inner detection range of a sensor, also known as impressions
group_flow_durationdategroup_set_id, number_of_groups_visited, dateContains the number of journeys to a single group, up to the number (n) of groups in the group set.
group_flow_transitiondategroup_source_id, group_destination_id, dateThe number of journeys that visited one location (group of sensors) followed by another (group of sensors)
group_sensor_historytimestampgroup_id, sensor_id, timestamp
group_flow_segmentationdatecampaign_id, group_set_id, dateThe journey characteristics based on duration and groups visited.
sensor_visitorstimestampsensor_id, timestampNumber of visitors near sensor into inner and outer ranges
sensor_dwelltimestampsensor_id, timestampDistribution of visit durations per 15-minute slots over a specified period of time
group_uv_dailydategroup_id, dateTotal number of Unique Visitors for the duration of the filter over a day
group_uv_weeklydategroup_id, dateTotal number of Unique Visitors for the duration of the filter over a week
group_uv_monthlydategroup_id, dateTotal number of Unique Visitors for the duration of the filter over a month
group_flow_correlationdategroup_a_id, group_b_id, dateNumber of journeys that include two locations
sensor_pulsestimestampsensor_id, timestamp

Target Entity Settings

Target Entity

  • Type: Entity
  • Description: Specifies the destination Entity in your system where the imported data will be stored.
  • Configuration: Select the appropriate entity from the dropdown menu in the pipeline configuration interface.