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Import Elasticsearch Data

elastic to builtapi

Import data from Elasticsearch to a BuiltAPI.

Pipeline Parameters

Elasticsearch Import Settings

Index Name

  • Type: String
  • Description: The name of the index from which data will be imported.
  • How to Find: In the Elasticsearch cluster, navigate to the index you want to import data from. The Index Name can be found in the URL after /indices/.

Sort Fields

  • Type: String
  • Description: Specify the fields by which the data should be sorted, listing them comma-separated.


  • Type: Number
  • Description: Define the maximum number of documents to import in each batch, up to 1000.
  • Default: 1000
  • Note: This parameter DOES NOT affect the total number of documents imported, only the number of documents imported each batch. Each pipeline run will import all documents from the index.

Target Entity Settings


  • Type: Entity
  • Description: The Entity in your BuiltAPI Workspace where you want to store the imported records.
  • Configuration: Select the appropriate entity from the dropdown menu in the pipeline configuration interface.

Upsert Filter Mapping

  • Type: JSON
  • Description: Defines the mapping between the Elasticsearch document and the BuiltAPI record for upserting.
  • Configuration: Enter a JSON object that specifies the mapping rules.

Data Mapping

  • Type: JSONata
  • Description: Defines the mapping between the Elasticsearch document and the BuiltAPI record.
  • Configuration: Enter a JSONata expression that specifies the mapping rules.