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Score Multiple Locations

This pipeline evaluates items from the Items collection using a list of services from the Services collection and stores the results in the Results collection.


Items Source Settings


Type: Entity
Description: Select the entity that contains the items to be scored.
Configuration: Choose the source entity containing the location data. Detils: The entity should contain the following fields:

"Id": "string",
"Coordinate": {
"Latitude": 49.952868,
"Longitude": 7.836421,

All fields are required. The Id field is a unique identifier for the record, and the Coordinate field contains the latitude and longitude of the location.

Only Updated

Type: Boolean
Description: If set to true, only new or updated records will be processed in the next run.
Default Value: false


Type: Query
Description: Applies a filter to records before sending them to MunichRe.

Max Items to Process

Type: Number
Description: Limits the number of records to be processed.Prevents accidental submission of a large number of records. Since MunichRe is a costly service, an incorrect filter could result in more records being sent than intended. Set to 0 or leave blank to disable this limit.
Default Value: 10

Services Source Settings

Services Entity

Type: Entity
Description: This entity containing the list of services. Each record in Items will be evaluated against all entries in Services. If the Services list has been expanded, to recalculate for existing records, unset the Items.OnlyUpdated flag.
Details: To retrieve the tree of available services, make a GET request to response will provide a hierarchical structure similar to the following:

"id": 1000000,
"name": "Hazards", # Category
"services": [
"id": 1010000,
"name": "NathanEarthquake", # Service
"categoryId": 1000000,
"versions": [
"id": 1010100,
"name": "20160203", # Version
"serviceId": 1010000,
"versionType": "Previous",
"fields": [
"id": 1010101,
"name": "HazardZone",
"title": "Earthquake",
"serviceVersionId": 1010100,
"dataType": "Short",
"mapServiceVersionId": 1010100,
"valueMappings": {
"1000000": 1010100
"id": 1010200,
"name": "20210415",
"serviceId": 1010000,
"versionType": "Current",
"fields": [
"id": 1010201,
"name": "HazardZone",
"title": "Earthquake",
"serviceVersionId": 1010200,
"dataType": "Short",
"mapServiceVersionId": 1010200,
"valueMappings": {
"1000000": 1010100

At the top level, there is a list of categories. Each category contains a list of available services, and every service has a list of versions.

Records in Services should adhere to the following structure:

"Category": "Hazards",
"Service": "NathanEarthquake",
"Version": "Current",
"RequestedServiceId": "Hazards_NathanEarthquake_Current"
  • Category: The category of the service. name field from first level of the response.
  • Service: The name of the service. name field from object in services array.
  • Version: The version of the service. name field from object in versions array, or "Current" for the latest version.
  • RequestedServiceId: a custom identifier defined by the user, for example, (Hazards_NathanEarthquake_Current). This identifier will be used to store the results in the Results entity.

Target Entity Settings

Target Entity

Type: Entity
Description: The entity where the calculation results will be stored. Example:

"id": "0200_RE 00013",
"results": [
"requestedServiceId": "OpenData_GFDRRGlobalLandslide_Current",
"values": {
"HazardZone": 1
"matchedAddress": {
"id": 0,
"countryCode": "DEU"