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Salesforce Upsert By External ID


This documentation provides detailed information about the "Salesforce Upsert By External ID" pipeline, which facilitates the upsert of records into Salesforce based on a unique identifier (External ID).

Pipeline Parameters

Salesforce Settings

This group contains settings specific to your Salesforce instance and the resources you intend to access

Salesforce Object

The Salesforce object from which you want to import records. Example: Account You can find the list of available objects in your Salesforce instance by navigating to Setup > Object Manager.

Salesforce External ID Field

This field used to match records in Salesforce for upsert operations, typically a unique identifier.\

How to Create External ID Field in Salesforce
1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
2. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager.
3. Select the object for which you want to create an External ID field.
4. Click on "Fields & Relationships" and then "New".
5. Select the field type as "Text" and click "Next".
6. Enter the field details, including Field Label, Length, and Description.
7. Check the "External ID" checkbox and click "Next".
8. Configure the field-level security settings and click "Next".
9. Review the field details and click "Save".

Source Entity Settings

Settings for the source entity from which data is pulled before being upserted into Salesforce.

Source Entity

The entity from which data will be pulled for deleting into Salesforce.

Source Entity Only Updated

Indicates if only updated records should be considered.

Source Entity Filter

Criteria for selecting records from the source entity.

Source to Salesforce Mapping

Mapping of source entity fields to Salesforce fields. This mapping determines how data from the source entity is transformed and stored in Salesforce. Mapping must always include the External ID field to match records in Salesforce for upsert operations. Example:

"Salesforce_field_1": $.data.source_field_1,
"Salesforce_field_2": $.data.source_field_2,
"Salesforce_field_3": $.data.source_field_3,
"Salesforce_external_id": $.data.source_id

Validation and Debugging

  • Check last run status and logs to verify if the pipeline executed successfully.
  • Inspect the target entity to ensure that the imported data is stored correctly.