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Items in an Entity or View are displayed in the Records table. When you select a specific Entity or View, you are first presented with this table, which shows all items contained within it. You can view, edit, delete, and create new records.


Both Entity Records and View Records use the same query building mechanism, allowing you to filter, sort, and project data.

Key Characteristics

  • JSON data: Records are JSON objects.
  • Queryable: Records can be queried using a mongo-like query language.
  • Data Manipulation: Records allow for standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data records.
  • Indexing: For improved query performance, data can be indexed on one or multiple fields.
  • Views: Users can create data views that filter and display records according to specified criteria.

Record structure

Record is a single JSON object that represents a data record in an Entity or View. Each record has a unique identifier, which is automatically generated by the system, meta, data and pipelines fields.

"id": "5f7b1b3b-1b1b-4b1b-9b1b-1b1b1b1b1b1b",
"meta": {
"created_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"data": {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"email": "[email protected]"
"pipelines": {
"pipeline_id1": {
"processedAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"


  • created_at: Timestamp when the record was created
  • updated_at: Timestamp when the record was last updated


"data" field contains the actual data of the record. When integration pipelines are used to populate entities or you create entities manually, the data field will contain the data you want to store.


Pipelines field contains information about the pipelines that processed the record. Each pipeline has a unique identifier and a processedAt field that contains the timestamp when the pipeline processed the record. We use this field to understand which records were processed by a specific pipeline and when. If record's processedAt value less than updated_at value, it means that this record is updated and must be reprocessed by the pipeline.

Add Record

To add record from console click on "New Record" button. You will see a form where you can enter JSON object with data for new record. Add record windiw

View/Update Record

To view or update record click on the "Open" button in record row. You will see a form with record data. You can edit data and save changes by clicking "Update" button.

Delete records

To delete records you must select records by clicking on the checkbox in the first column of the table. After that click on the "Delete" button. You will see a confirmation dialog. Click "Delete" to confirm deletion.

Quering Records

For querying records we use MongoDB-like query language. You can filter, project and sort records using this language. Detail information about query editor available on Query Editor Doc Page.

Clear query

To clear query click on the "Clear all" button in Query editor or on "Clear query" button in munu. Clear query

Select columns

You can visualy select columns that are displayed in the table. Click on the "Select columns" button to open columns manager. Empty select columns

  • Select fields to show: User can click on column name in Available fields list to add it to the Selected columns list.
  • Drag and Drop to Reordering: You can rearrange the order of the selected columns by clicking and dragging the icon with six dots (⋮⋮) next to each field name.
  • Field Removal: Users can remove a column from the selection by clicking the "×" icon next to the respective field.

PS: "Select All" button available only for records with less than 100 columns. If you have more than 100 columns, you must select columns manually.

To apply changes click on the "Apply" button.

Manage records table

  • You can change size of each column by dragging the column border.
  • You can change sorting by clicking in sort button in column header Records sorting
  • You can delete column from table by clicking on the cross button in column header Delete column

All changes will be saved in your browser local storage and will be restored when you open Records page next time.

Query and Table appearance

Query and Table appearance connected. When you change query, table will be updated automatically. When you change columns in table, query will be updated automatically.

View from Query

You can save query as a View. alt textTo do this click on the "Create view from query" button. You will see a form where you can enter View name and update pipeline. Click "Create view" to create new View based on your Query.