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Variables are used to securely store and manage credentials and parameters required by the integration. They can be used in the integration pipelines to reference sensitive information without exposing it in the code.

Create Variable

1) Open Integration Detail Page 2) Open "Variables" tab and click on the "Create Variable" button 4) Fill in the required fields:

  • Name: the name of the variable
  • Type: select the type of the variable. Available options are:
    • Param - admins and owner can see param values and change them
    • Secret - No one can see the value of the secret after it is created. No one can change the value of the secret after it is created, only set new value
  • Value: the value of the variable 5) Click on the "Create Variable" button

Variable List

Variables are displayed on the "Variables" tab of the Integration Detail Page. Users can quickly see the name, type, and value of "Param" variables. The value of "Secret" variables is hidden.

Admins and owner can edit or delete variables. Users with read-only access can only view the variables.